Important Notice about sending QSLs to NRRL

We are experiencing issues with how the Norwegian Customs processes QSL cards from abroad.

In some cases, this results in shipments being returned as «unclaimed.» This happens because we receive notification that the shipment has been held in customs due to missing documents too late.

All shipments has to include a proforma invoice. If you choose to not include one, the Norwegian Customs will return the parcel to you as «unclaimed». We have created one you can use, but you may also use your own. The tracking number must be sent to as soon as possible.

The postal address for QSL is:

Norsk Radio Relæ Liga
QSL Bureau
P.O. Box 20 Haugenstua
N-0915 Oslo

Norsk Radio Relæ Liga
Postadresse: Postboks 20 Haugenstua, 0915 Oslo
Besøksadresse: Nedre Rommen 5E, Oslo
Telefon: 22 21 37 90 - kontortid: tirsdag-torsdag kl 09-15 (ferielukket i juli)

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