Radio Propagation Explained

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Produktnummer: RSGB-RPEX Kategori:


Understanding radio propagation is essential for anyone with an interest in radio communications who wants to know how signals travel from A to B. Acknowledged expert Steve Nichols, G0KYA Radio Propagation Explained provides everything you need to know about this fascinating topic.

Looking at HF to VHF, UHF and beyond Radio Propagation Explained provides a practical understanding of radio propagation. It looks at the sun, sunspots, ionospheric propagation, ionospheric storms and aurora, tropospheric propagation, meteor scatter and space communications, including satellites and Earth-Moon-Earth signals. The book also includes information on computerised HF propagation predictions, greyline propagation, low frequency (LF) propagation, sporadic E, amateur radio modes like WSPR, PSK and JT, web resources and much more. There are descriptions of the properties of the amateur radio bands and how to get the best performance when using them.

Radio Propagation Explained draws on material from the hugely popular Radio Propagation Principles & Practice book previously published by the RSGB and enhances it with the latest advances in the field of propagation. Steve shows how radio amateurs can by studying propagation can gain a more rewarding experience and increase their chances of making the on-air contacts they want.

Radio Propagation Explained is thoroughly recommended reading for everyone who wants to understand radio propagation and make the most of their radio activities.