WALA – Worked all LA

Worked all Norwegian regional counties

The diploma is available to all licensed radio amateurs and all SWL stations. The idea is to make contacts with amateurs in the Country og Norway and it’s associated land entities in Scandinavia.

Changes were recently made to boundaries and composition of the regional counties of Norway. These result in some alterations being required to the previous rules from when there were 20 counties or ‘fylker’, including the capital Oslo.
The total is now reduced to 11, still including the capital Oslo.

Participants are divided into two groups: operators in Scandinavia, and operators from the rest of the world.

Norwegian entities in Scandinavia consist of the following:

  • Norway all LA / LB / LC / LG / LI / LN / LM, including Svalbard / Spitzbergen JW, Bear Island JW, Hopen island JW, og Jan Mayen island JX
  • Other Scandinavian entities consist of the following
  • Sweden: SM
  • Finland: OH
  • Åland: OH0
  • Market Reef: OH0M
  • Denmark: OZ
  • Faroe Islands: OY
  • Iceland: TF

Participants from within Scandinavia must make all their QSO’s within 30 km from their home (or the same) QTH.
Remote-, repeater-, satellite and cross band operation are not accepted for this diploma.

Participants in the rest of the world will have a much simplified version of the diploma as can be seen below, and there is no restriction to any change of operative QTH.
However, remote-, repeater-, satellite- and cross band operation are not accepted for these stations either.

The diploma can be issued on the basis of CW / PHONE / RTTY operations, or a MIXED operation version.

It should be noted that FT8, or a similar type of modulation, can only be accepted solely as Digital operation, and not in the Mixed category.

An exception is made for operation on 6m and VHF/UHF bands (4m/2m/70cm etc.) where only an application for a Mixed certificate will be accepted.

There is a further exception in that on 6m and VHF/UHF only one contact with any of the 11 counties is required.
However here any QSO with the entities: Jan Mayen JX, Svalbard / Spitzbergen or Bear Island JW, can be used instead of a contact with any missing county.

The diploma will be issued on the basis of a list of QSL cards, E-qsl and or printout from your LOTW record of confirmed QSO’s, accompanied with the WALA application form. This form has to be confirmed, or attested by 2 licensed radio amateurs, or by your country’s diploma manager, the latter being preferred. 

All QSO’s have to have been made after 1st January 2020.

The right is reserved to require a scanned confirmation copy of any QSO in question.

No satellite or repeater QSO’s will be accepted and as stated before cross band QSO’s are not allowed.

The fee is 120 NOK / Kr., 12 USD / $, 10€ or 10 GBP / £.
Payment by Paypal can be arranged.

If any questions please contact our Diploma Manager (Diplommanager)

County No.County NameScandinavian
No. of QSO’s on 2 bands
Rest of the world
No. of QSO on any ba
Use of jokers
1Oslo2 on 21No
2Telemark og Vestfold4 on 22 No
3Trøndelag4 on 22 No
4Viken6 on 23 No
5Agder4 on 22 No
6Rogaland2 on 21 No
7Vestland4 on 22 No
8Nordland2 on 21Yes 1
9Troms og Finnmark4 on 22Yes 1
10Innlandet4 on 22 No
11Møre og Romsdal4 on 21 No
JokersJW, JX, 3YOnly on county 8-9One of each on any band Only JW/JX3Y can be used once on any County

WALA – New Counties

Worked all LA, previously consisted of working all the Norwegian Regional Counties, or “fylke”.

Until 1st of January 2020 Norway was divided into 19 different regional fylker, which again would be subdivided into smaller districts or municipalities r even just an island with a few hundred or less inhabitants.

In our modern time, this organization model incurred increasing costs for maintaining the entire local infrastructure, e.g. hospitals, work- and tax/registration offices, not to mention police, churches, homes for the infirm and elderly, and political centers etc. A decision was reached to reduce the number of ‘fylker’ and hence also the number of administrative districts.

The number of ‘fylker’ was reduced to 10 larger administrative areas (still named ‘fylker’) plus Oslo (the Capital). And at least one of these merging resulted in a new county that covers so much area one could place the most of southern Sweden, or twice the area of Denmark in it.
Merging to this particular ‘fylke’ has been strongly opposed by the populace in the larger part because the distances to main hospitals, regional centers etc. became so great that one would have to use aircraft to maintain an adequate level of communication or access time by car or bus, or ambulance, and in the winter it is often just not possible at all.
Certainly, for this particular new regional county there could be another change, or a return to the previous boundaries. Should this happen an adjustment will be made to the list.

Below is a conversion list of the old fylker and into the new names.

1. Oslo1. Oslo
2. Telemark2. Vestfold og Telemark
3. Vestfold2. Vestfold og Telemark
4. Sør-Trøndelag3. Trøndelag
5. Nord-Trøndelag3. Trøndelag
6. Østfold4. Viken
7. Akershus4. Viken
8. Buskerud4. Viken
9. Aust-Agder5. Agder
10. Vest-Agder5. Agder
11. Rogaland6. Rogaland
12. Hordaland7. Vestland
13. Sogn og Fjordane7. Vestland
14. Nordland8. Nordland
15. Troms9. Troms og Finnmark
16. Finnmark9. Troms og Finnmark
17. Oppland10. Innlandet
18. Hedmark10. Innlandet
19. Møre og Romsdal11. Møre og Romsdal

Norsk Radio Relæ Liga
Postadresse: Postboks 20 Haugenstua, 0915 Oslo
Besøksadresse: Nedre Rommen 5E, Oslo
Telefon: 22 21 37 90 - kontortid: tirsdag-torsdag kl 09-15 (ferielukket i juli)

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